The flash floods in Myanmar caused by Typhoon Ragi, which hit the South China Sea, had a great impact on the people in the country. There had been criticism that the flood was caused by a terrorist military junta breaking the dams under their control without informing the public and the lack of weather reporting.The Yangon-based United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA Myanmar) announced on September 21 that the Flooding after the storm happened in 65 townships of Karenni (Kayah), Karen, Arakan, Southern Shan, Northern Shan, Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway and Nay Pyi Taw, affecting 887,000 people, including IDPs of the conflicts.UN-OCHA (Myanmar) said that there were more than 300 fatalities and more than 100 injuries, therefore the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has approved the allocation of US$4 million for the rapid launch of emergency rescue operations.The Singapore Red Cross (SRC) announced on September 20 that it will donate $50,000 to help with disaster relief efforts for people affected by flooding in Myanmar due to Typhoon Ragi.In Mandalay alone, more than 230 people have died and up to 50 were injured in 15 flood-affected villages, according to media reports.Disaster Strikes: Flooding in Karen StateKarenNationalUnionstatedonSeptember28thattherewasfloodinginsevendistrictsandaffecting542villages.Among the 27 townships in Doo Tha Htoo, Taw Oo, Klee Lwee Htoo, Mergui-Tavoy, Mu Draw, Dooplaya, and Hpa-an District, 20 municipalities were affected by floods, and the worst were in Doo Tha Htoo (Thaton), Kler Lwee Htoo (Naunglebin), and Taw Oo (Taungoo). The KNU Central Executive Committee stated that the flood affected 380,779 people and 73,000 households, and there were four immediate urgent needs.The Impact on Karenni StateKarenni State, where the military conflict is still raging, was also affected by the floods. And the flooding has caused landslides, especially in Pekon, Lokaw, Demoso, Hpruso, and Shadow townships. Bef...