CC.BY 4.0 Spring Sprouts.
Assistance Association for Political Prisoners
The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) was founded on March 23, 2000.
The organization’s Secretary is Ko Tate Naing. AAPP's overarching vision is the establishment of a democratic society that safeguards civil and political rights, ensuring their protection, preservation, and realization. Central to this vision is the eradication of political prisoners and active participation in national reconciliation efforts.
Recognizing that the unconditional release of all political prisoners is fundamental to achieving authentic democratic transformation, AAPP consistently advocates for their liberation.
The scope of AAPP's activities encompasses: - Information collection and research. - Morale support initiatives. - Educational and vocational assistance programs. - Psychological rehabilitation training. - Stress management and self-care programs. - Human rights education. - Documentation of human rights concerns. - Transitional justice courses. A significant aspect of AAPP's work is the daily dissemination of a situation summary reflecting the post-coup scenario. This comprehensive account, also functioning as a diary capturing the essence of the Spring Revolution, offers ongoing insight into unfolding events.
2. Annual_Report_2013_Burmese_version.pdf (