CC.BY 4.0 Spring Sprouts.
On April 9, 2021, the Karenni State Consultative Council-KSCC was formed with elected MPs of 202 elections, political parties, indigenous armed revolutionary organizations, civil society organizations, youth and women's organizations, and scholars.
On June 6, 2023, the Interim Executive Council of Karenni State-IEC was formed in accordance with the KSCC's political leadership and policy guidelines.
The KNDF, located under the KSCC's political guidance, was formed on May 21, 2021, and the KNDF was formed with 22 battalions, six strategic areas, and fought throughout Karenni. Additionally, under the guidance of the KSCC, the Karenni State Police-KSP was formed on September 25, 2021. It opened 12 police stations.