The 8 State-based Ethnic Resistance Organizations and the State/Nationalities Representative Council, and the Women's League of Burma (WLB) released a joint statement on September 19 regarding the establishment of a future federal democratic union which was related to pursuance of a strong federal union through strengthened the state-level structures (Bottom-up Federalism).
Military junta intentionally bombarded Munglai Hkyet IDP Camp near Laiza in Kachin State at 11 pm on 9 October 2023. The indiscriminate attack killed 31 internally displaced persons (IDP) including 13 children and injured more than 20. Most of the deceased are women and girls in the attack that destroyed 50 shelters.
Women's Forum for Peace was organized on 19-20 September to promote the role of women in the Spring Revolution and advocate for justice for sexual violence through international accountability mechanism.
Suppression against women from 4-10 September included political repressions, conflict-related acts of violence, and labour rights violations with a highlight of the dismissal of 37 women staff by Sittway-based International NGO.