Federal Unit Administration

Pa-O National Federal Council (PNFC) was established in on December 11 2021, by the Pa-O National Federal Conference. The council consists of 15 members, led by the Chairperson, Khun Myint Tun.

The PNFC is organized into three departments: the Department of Politics, the Military Department, and the Administrative Department.

Under PNFC's political leadership, there are two Pa-O People's Defense Forces (Kham Koung) and Kham Dom. PNFC drafted the military constitution, established military departments, and organized the military command into three divisions: Pa-O National Defense Force-Kham Dom (Division-1), Pa-O National Defense Force: Kham Dom (Division-2), and Pa-O National Defense Force: Kham Koung (Division-3). PNDF-Kham Dom operates in KNU’s Thaton district, as an alliance member of Brigade (1) of KNU.
